Friday, September 5, 2014

ash and annie's pie day

if stressed from the week, make your Friday worthwhile . . .
 by just dropping everything and MAKING A PIE LIKE US!!


(not pictured: 5 tbsp of cornstarch)


step 1: roll one of the doughs to fit the size of your pan

step 2: lay the dough on top the pan

step 3: roll the other dough and slice the dough accordingly
(about ten pieces for a 9 inch pan)

step 4: refrigerate both the sliced dough and pie crust
while you make the pie filling

step 5: mix blueberries, sugar, salt, cinnamon, 
corn starch, and lemon juice
(refer back to ingredients for specific measurements)

step 6: whisk the yolk and heavy cream to create 
egg wash

step 7: take out the refrigerated pie crust and 
pour the filling inside


step 8: lay and evenly space out 
5 strips over the filled pie parallel to each other

while brushing the egg wash onto the strips

step 9: carefully fold back the second and fourth strips,
lay a strip of dough perpendicular to the other strips,
and fold the strips back over

step 10: then fold back the first, third, and fifth strips over the new strip
and then lay another strip of dough across the pie

(repeat steps 9 and 10 until the pie is covered with a lattice crust)

step 11: cut the tbsp of butter into pieces and
place them in between the lattice strips, and 
pinch the crust

step 12: place the pie into the oven
(have the oven preheated to 375 ° F and cook the pie for 50 minutes)

finished product is beautiful ~* 

Monday, September 1, 2014

surprise picnic for naomi

early birthday party ~* 

w/ our successful DIY birthday cake

@ the picnic

and the aftermath of the cake . . .

group photos